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Cornerstone 2 7 10 – Feature Rich Subversion Client

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Preview of Versions SVN Client

I've been looking forward to seeing a dedicated subversion client which is designed from the ground up as a Mac app. The Sofa guys teased us a while ago with an app called

Babylon.js is one of the world's leading WebGL-based graphics engines. From a new visual scene inspector, best-in-class physically-based rendering, countless performance optimizations, and much more, Babylon.js brings powerful, beautiful, simple, and open 3D to everyone on the web. Download the latest version of Cornerstone for Mac - Feature-rich Subversion client. Read 46 user reviews of Cornerstone on MacUpdate.

Versions, but it never actually surfaced — until now. I just got a chance to play around with a pre-release build.
(Keep in mind that is is pre-release software, and many things are likely to change before the 1.0 shipping release.)
Versions is the first practical solution I've seen for developers — web developers included — who have high standards for UI and don't have the patience or interest to learn the quirks of the subversion command line tools. For those folks, this is far better solution than making zip copies of your source folders with manual timestamps, particularly when you work within a team.

The Timeline view. Mouse over a file to see a diff.

Versions takes standard UI concepts from Mail, iTunes, Finder, and many other Leopard-era apps, and applies them to subversion repositories. This is interesting not just because it puts version control into the hands of non-experts, but it also allows those who are relatively comfortable with svn to take advantage of better browsing tools and features they otherwise wouldn't know about.
A source control app has specific requirements. The UI needs to be simple and clean so that the focus is on the project, not the tool itself. The workflow in Versions is oriented around the most common cases — adding repositories, checking out, submitting changes, browsing various versions, viewing file history, and reverting are all dead simple. In other words, you can be productive immediately. Versions doesn't attempt to invent new features as much as do the important and obvious things really well.
The developer must also be able to trust the tool by being able to verify what the tool is doing. Versions provides the Transcript view specifically for this need. Anything you do in the app accumulates in this log, which looks essentially the same as the output you'd see in the command line. Easy to copy-and-paste into emails and such.

Although you can use any standard SVN repository, you can also create your own local filesystem-based repository from right within Versions. This isn't a subversion server, but it does allow you to easily archive your files and track local changes without having to start up or connect to any services. The experts cringe, of course, at the idea of saving your changes locally, but it's a great solution for basic needs.
Public Repositories
In addition to tracking source changes within a team, Versions makes it far easier to keep tabs on open source projects. In the screenshots below, I can see the most recent commits to the public WebKit repository, followed by the complete history of the file from Google's MacFUSE project.

If you've never tried to browse svn projects via the command line or a web browser, believe me that this is a vast improvement over the usual experience.
Some Details
Versions is a collaboration between Sofa and a brand new company called Pico. Sofa is best known for the excellent Checkout point-of-sale app for Mac OS X, and was responsible for the visual design. Pico developed the actual engine of the app, which uses libsvn instead of simply wrapping the command line tools.
Now, certainly some of you are thinking that the svn command line tools work fine, and they do. I use them daily and they're pretty straightforward. But honestly, 'svn ls' isn't a great experience. They're good for basic check in and check out, but they can be incredibly tedious for anything else. Versions abstracts the details of all of that, and just allows you to browse the content.
There is also good SCM support built in Xcode 3, but that's part of a much larger application. As a dedicated tool, Versions orients its UI and feature set entirely around this particular set of tasks, separate from all of the existing requirements of Xcode as a whole.
So even if you have an existing solution, you can probably still improve your improve your process — particularly for browsing specific versions, running comparisons, and so on. Any time saved in this area is time that can go into actually writing code instead.
One More Thing
I'm excited to see this app ship because I think developers will finally start to see source control as a way to improve their process, not just another obstacle to shipping. And all of us should care about that because it means developers will ship better software on a shorter schedule.
I'm told Versions will be available to the general public very soon, but a specific date has not been set yet. You can sign up to notified when the beta is available.

Cornerstone 2 7 10 – Feature Rich Subversion Clients

Finally, there's one more feature that I'm not allowed to mention yet, but I suspect it will win over independent developers who are still on the fence.
Preview of Versions SVN Client
Posted May 31, 2008 — 49 comments below

Focus professional 1 11 0. A comparison of Subversion clients includes various aspects of computer software implementations of the client role using the client–server model of the Subversionrevision control system.


TortoiseSVN, a Windows shell extension, gives feedback on the state of versioned items by adding overlays to the icons in the Windows Explorer. Repository commands can be executed from the enhanced context menu provided by Tortoise.

Cornerstone is a GUI for Subversion written with Xcode for MacOS X.

SmartSVN provides a similar Explorer integration, but also can be used as a standalone SVN client for different platforms. SmartSVN is available in three different editions: A free Foundation edition with fewer features and two commercial editions called Professional and Enterprise with the full feature set.

Some programmers prefer to have a client integrated within their development environment. Such environments may provide visual feedback of the state of versioned items and add repository commands to the menus of the development environment. Examples of this approach include AnkhSVN, and VisualSVN for use with Microsoft Visual Studio, and Subversive[1][2]for use with Eclipse. Delphi XE Subversion integration is built into the Delphi IDE.

It is common to expose Subversion via Webdav using the Apache web server. In this case, any Webdav client can be used, but the functionality provided this way may be limited. Alternative ways to serve Subversion include uberSVN and VisualSVN Server.

Subversion clients comparison table[edit]

NameProgramming language, toolkitOperating systemLicenseIntegrationLanguagesNetwork protocolsCurrent versionLast release dateServer functionalityVisualization
AnkhSVNC#, SharpSvnMicrosoft WindowsApache LicenseMicrosoft Visual Studio (all editions except Express)Englishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file2.6.12735October 5, 2016;
4 years ago
NoDiff, blame, history, properties
CornerstoneXcodemacOSProprietary, free trials availableStandalone GUIEnglishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file3.1February 8, 2018;
2 years ago
NoDiff, blame, history, properties
CODESYS SVNC#, SharpSvnMicrosoft Windowsproprietary, trials can be negotiatedSVN plugin for CODESYS V3English, Germanhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, fileV4.1.0.2 (based on SVN 1.9.4)November 3, 2016;
3 years ago
NoDiff, merge, log
eSvnC++, QtUnix-like operating systems (GNU/Linux distributions, FreeBSD, Sun Solaris and others), Mac OS X and WindowsGPLGUI, standalone (like WinCVS, Cervisia)Englishhttp, svn0.6.12For *nix OSs: July 16, 2007;
13 years ago
.[3] For Windows: July 12, 2007;
13 years ago
kdesvnC++, QtLinux, Unix, Mac OS XGPLKonqueror, Dolphin, standaloneEnglishfile, http, https, (k)svn, (k)svn+file, (k)svn+http, (k)svn+https, (k)svn+ssh2.0.0December 4, 2016;
3 years ago
PixelNovel TimelineC++Mac OS X, Microsoft WindowsFree if used with PixelNovel web storage, 30-day trial with commercial upgrade otherwiseAdobe PhotoshopEnglishsvn1.0July 7, 2009;
11 years ago
QSvnC++, QtLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft WindowsGPLGUI, standalone (like WinCVS)English0.8.3July 26, 2009;
11 years ago
RabbitVCSPython, GTK+LinuxGPLNautilus, Thunar, Gedit, CLIca, cs, de, en, es, fa, fr, he, hr, it, ja, nb, nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, sl, sv, zh_CNhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file0.17 [8]June 23, 2017;
3 years ago
RapidSVNC++, wxWidgetsLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, many moreGPLGUI, standaloneUnicode, many0.12.1June 28, 2012;
8 years ago
SubTileXUL, JavascriptLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows (Any with Xulrunner or Firefox)GPL, Mozilla Public License, Apache LicenseGUI, standaloneEnglishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh0.2May 3, 2016;
4 years ago
NoDiff, merge, revision graph
SVN NotifierC#Microsoft WindowsGPLGUI, standalone. It needs TortoiseSVN installed.Englishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file1.9.3June 25, 2012;
8 years ago
TortoiseSVNC++, MFCMicrosoft Windows (32/64-bit)GPLWindows Shell (Explorer)54 languages (including en)http, https, svn, svn+ssh, file, svn+XXX1.13.1October 31, 2019;
11 months ago
YesDiff, merge, Revision Tree, blame
TracPythonLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft WindowsModified BSDweb-based[31 languages][3]file1.2.4[12]July 17, 2019;
14 months ago
Version Control for engineers-WindowsfreewareGUI, standaloneEnglishhttp, https, svn, file0.20November 10, 2016;
3 years ago
NoInternal image diff, external diff, diff for MS Word doc, MS Visio VSD drawings, DWG and DXF drawings, Kompas CDW, commit logging
ViewVCPythonhttp, https'two-clause Berkeley-style'web-basedEnglishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file1.1.23November 4, 2014;
5 years ago
?Diff, annotation, blame, revision graph
VisualSVNMicrosoft Windows (32/64-bit)proprietaryMicrosoft Visual Studio (all editions except Express)Englishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file7.1.2July 31, 2019;
14 months ago
XcodeObjective-C, CocoamacOSProprietary, free[17]Xcode IDEEnglish9.4.1
Support for SVN was dropped in Xcode 10
June 19, 2018;
2 years ago

Standalone Subversion clients comparison table[edit]

Client nameFreeNetwork protocolsDiffMergeBrowse remote repository
CornerstoneNofile, http, https, svn, svn+file, svn+http, svn+https, svn+sshYesYesYes
eSvnYeshttp, svn???
kdesvnYesfile, http, https, (k)svn, (k)svn+file, (k)svn+http, (k)svn+https, (k)svn+sshYesYesYes
SubTileYeshttp, https, svn, svn+sshYesYesYes

Cornerstone 2 7 10 – Feature Rich Subversion Client Permissions

See also[edit]


  1. ^Cei, Ugo; Lucidi, Piergiorgio (2010). Alfresco 3 Web Services. Packt Publishing Ltd. p. n.p. ISBN9781849511537. Retrieved 2013-03-04. In Eclipse, for instance, you will have to install one of the existing Subversion plugins, such as Subversive [..]
  2. ^
  3. ^eSvn - Browse /eSvn/0.6.12 at
  4. ^eSvn - Browse /eSvn/0.6.11 at
  5. ^Released Version 2.0.0 – Kdesvn project
  6. ^Press Room - PixelNovel - innovative tools for Adobe Photoshop users, such as version control for Photoshop and a Photoshop plugin for exporting photos to FlickrArchived 2012-07-12 at
  7. ^PixelNovel Timeline Released - Press Release -PixelNovel - innovative tools for Adobe Photoshop users, such as version control for Photoshop and a Photoshop plugin for exportin..Archived 2012-07-13 at
  8. ^[1]
  9. ^[2]
  10. ^SubTile Project
  11. ^*checkout*/svnnotifier/trunk/ReleaseNotes.txt
  12. ^Trac Changelog
  13. ^Trac Changelog
  14. ^″Version Control for engineers″ page on Sourceforge
  15. ^viewvc Documents & files:
  16. ^VisualSVN | Version History
  17. ^Xcode on the Mac App Store
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